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5.4.2 - The Objection of Some Scholars in Aleppo Against the Tarjuman (Aleppo 611/1214)

We mentioned above how the King al-Zahir Ghazi described the jurists of Aleppo and that they were only seeking the pride and love of the Sultan. Therefore, it is not surprising that some scholars who were dominated by their love to this earthly world and adherence to the exoteric forms of science and knowledge, in order to reach their worldly goals, that they would easily deny the profound esoteric sciences of the Greatest Shaykh, may Allah be pleased with him, especially in his famous book “Tarjuman al-Ashwaq”, in which he recorded the most wonderful love poems that appear to be some kinds of flirtation, philandering or wooing, but they carry high spiritual meanings, as explained by Shaykh Muhyiddin in his commentary and explanation of this book, which he called Dhakhaer Al-Aalak in explaining Tarjuman al-Ashwaq.