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contents - The Difference between al-Mirtuli and al-Ureybi

So we can see that Ibn al-Arabi was educated and brought up by these two great shaykhs: Abu al-Abbas Ahmad al-Ureybi and Abu Imran Mousa al-Mirtuli. Therefore, sometimes he was comparing them, because they might have different views on certain critical issues.

Hence, it happened that once he was troubled by the deteriorated situation of the mystical Way for what he saw from the violations of some people and their deviation from the right Way. Thus when he entered on Shaykh Abu Abbas al-Ureybi, and he was is in such a state, the Shaykh then said to him: Resort (keep) to God!

However, when he entered on Shaykh Abu Imran Mirtuli also in that state, then the Shaykh said to him: keep to yourself!

Surprised as he felt from the two different sayings, and asked al-Mirtuli: O our master, I am perplexed for the difference between you and Abu al-Abbas; he says “keep to God” and you say “keep to yourself”, and both of you are leaders guiding to the Truth!

Hearing that, Abu Imran cried and said to Shaykh Muhyiddin: O my dear, what Abu al-Abbas said is the truth, and this is what one should do, but each of us answered according to his state, and I hope, God willing, to join him in the state referred to by Abu al-Abbas. Take his advice, because this is better for me and you.

Thus these great shaykh were fair and they knew and appreciated the states and their rules.

Nevertheless, when Shaykh Muhyiddin returned to Abu al-Abbas and mentioned to him the conversation with Abu Imran, he said to him: what he said is correct; but he showed you the way and I referred you to the companion, thus you can do what he said to you and also what I told you! If you do that, you can combine between the companion and the way, but anyone who does not accompany the Real on his way, he has no evidence of his safety in his travel. [Futuhat: I.177].