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3.8.12 - Some Other Books He Wrote in this period

Although the writing activity of Shaykh Muhyiddin is still limited in this period, but in addition to the books mentioned above, there are a large number of books that he seems to have authored during this period, although there is no clear evidence of the exact date of their authorship.

These books include:


the celebration of the Messenger of Allah of the High States

the Book of the Almighty in the abbreviation of the local (Ibn Hazm)

the Abbreviation of Tirmidhi

the Abbreviation of Sahih Muslim

the Book of Ethic

the Descending of the Unseen

the Goal in the Abbreviation of the Book Ornament of Abu Naim al-Isfahani (died 430/1038)

the Book of Investigation concerning the Mystery Recognized in the Same Sadiq

the Book of the Elves (categorized in 591)

the Book of Quoted and Dangerous Embezzlement

the Book of Jala in Etiquette

the Book of Evacuation of Hearts

the Book of Collecting and Detailing in the Secrets of the Meanings of Download, [496]

My book is an answer to the question of white durra which is the first mind and an answer to the question of emeralds Red ruby, which is the total self, a message about the virtue of dhikr (or: any dhikr is better)

a letter in the Sahaba

a book of time, [497]

a book of healing the sick in clarifying the way

the book of the mind of the fulfilled, [498]

the book Fateh al-Fassi, [499]

the book revealed the meaning of the mystery of the names of Allah

the book of principles and ends in the secrets of the letters hidden in the names and invitations

the book of triangles contained in the Koran, [500]

the book of Almspatat in the Koran, [501]

the book center, and the book of the lamp in the combination of the righteous

book The Lights of Divine Lights, [502]

the Book of the Key to Happiness in Knowing the Entrance to the Way of the Will

the Platform for Evolution, [503]

Book elected in the exploits of the Arabs

the book of balance in the truth of man

the book of fire. [504]


For more information on these books, see Othman Yahya’s classification of Ibn al-Arabi’s works, as well as the second appendix that we have written at the end of this book.